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  • Writer's pictureLa Preschool des Batignolles

Starting School - How to Prepare

Starting school is a huge milestone and can sometimes be a little daunting for both the child and their parents. Settling into the school routine can be a simple process with these helpful tips from our experts at La Preschool des Batignolles.

1. Talk about school

Start talking about school, and ask your child how they are feeling. What are they most looking forward to? Are they worried about anything? Read books about starting school together, and look at your child’s school curriculum, and/ or website together, and talk about the pictures and themes. If your child seems anxious about school, try focusing on the things they’ll like best – maybe outdoor learning, learning new songs or making new friends.

2. Stay positive - keep calm and smile

It’s natural to feel nervous about your child starting school, but remember that children are extremely receptive to your emotions. Ensure that you are always positive when talking about school. If you are enthusiastic and confident that all will be well, then your child will feel the same way too. Avoid using any negative language such as “you’ll get in trouble if you behave like that at school.” Ensure realistic expectations when describing school, while of course your child is going to have so much fun; school doesn’t quite compare to Disney Land. Perhaps they will have a friend who is struggling to settle; discuss different emotions and talk about how they could be brave and help their friends.

3. Start a routine

We all know getting out of the house in the morning with a small child in tow can be a challenge, especially if you need to be somewhere for a specific time! As the start of term approaches, try to get into the school routine, so your child gets used to getting up, going to bed, and having meals and snacks at the times they will on school days. Practise the morning routine, including getting dressed and eating breakfast in time to leave. It’s also a good idea to practise the school run so that you’re both prepared for the journey. Bath time and stories will help children to wind down before bedtime, and nutritious meals and plenty of sleep will help them to concentrate and learn more easily during their time at school.

4. Get to know your child’s teachers

Your child’s teacher will be an expert in helping children to settle in, learn and thrive at school. However, you know your child best, so if there is anything you think might help your child feel more settled, suggest it to the class teacher during the first few weeks.

5. Finally, Get in – Get out!

When saying goodbye at the classroom door, remember to keep it short and sweet. Delayed and prolonged goodbyes are proven to leave children anxious and confused. It’s important that children understand the classroom is for them, their friends and their teachers.

Remember to reassure your child that you’ll be back; Avoid saying “I’m going to the toilet” and disappearing. Be firm and truthful, telling your child you’re leaving and will see them after school.

Most importantly – We know this is just as difficult for you as it is for your little one! And while it can be hard to walk away from them if they’re upset – it’s the best thing you can do to help them settle.

The Principal will be at your disposal through the day if you’d like to call to check up on your little one.


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